Garett Rickelman
Garett Rickelman

500m row 1 minute 27 seconds

40 yard sprint 4.48 seconds


Crossfit Level One Certification

Masters Degree in Education


Garett Rickelman

I have spent most of my time on Earth living life on life's terms, until I found fitness. Fitness has given me the tools to slowly away layers of what started as crude piece, to finally reveal the true piece of art that exists within. I believe each of us has a masterpiece waiting for us to uncover with sweat and hard work. I hope to be the light to show you the beauty within and the guide to show you how to acquire the tools for sculpting.
Most of us try to identify "enemies" in our lives every day. Is it the boss who has failed to reward you with a promotion? Is it the U.S. government keeping you from wealth with regulations and taxes? Or is it the others around you who refuse to give you that opportunity you desperately need? The real enemy is you. You are the one not seizing the moment. You are the one not putting yourself on. That all changes today.
Most of us try to identify "enemies" in our lives every day. Is it the boss who has failed to reward you with a promotion? Is it the U.S. government keeping you from wealth with regulations and taxes? Or is it the others around you who refuse to give you that opportunity you desperately need? The real enemy is you. You are the one not seizing the moment. You are the one not putting yourself on. That all changes today.